Kurrajong Heights Garden Club Inc

Kurrajong Heights Garden Club is a local garden club based in the Hawkesbury area of NSW, Australia.

The love of plants, gardens and gardening knows no barriers. It doesn't matter where you live and, although not exclusively,
the majority of Club members come from Berambing to Windsor and everywhere in between.

The Club was formed in 1971 and the original objective to promote and encourage knowledge and interest in gardening
with good fellowship.  It is still as active now as it was back then.

Kurrajong Heights Garden Club meets every second Wednesday of the month.

Activities include visits to local gardens, trips to gardens of interest further afield and guest speakers on garden related topics.

New members are always welcome


General enquiries: secretary@kurrajongheightsgardenclub.org.au

Membership: treasurer@kurrajongheightsgardenclub.org.au

The KHGC is affiliated with the Garden Clubs of Australia
Facebook Visit us on our Facebook Forum for the latest news and pictures

Application for Membership